You must have appreciated that JAMIA RABBANIA BANDA is a beacon of Islamic Knowledge, spreading the illumination of the Holy Qur’an and the traditions of the Holy Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam for the last over half a century
This JAMIA is a purely private autonomous Institution serving the cause of Islam with a missionary spirit to convince the mankind on earth to submit to Allah’s Will in their individual & collective lives. Initiated with meagre resources but sincere intentions JAMIA RABBANIA has today developed into a premier Islamic University catering for an ever-increasing number of male & female students at its various campuses in Banda
In addition to the normal TAFEEZUL QUR’AN TAJWEED-UL-QURAN and DARS-E-NIZAMI courses for men & children, JAMIA RABBANIA is also catering for the complete Islamic education upto the highest Degree of ‘Aalimiyya for ladies as well. Being the Ummah of Khatmul Mursaleen, this JAMIA has embarked upon gigantic ambitious projects for expeditious propagation of the message of Islam to people all over the world by utilizing the modern means of Information Technology (i.e. Computer, Internet, E-mail, Web Page etc) as well. All these tasks are being accomplished, solely with the blessings of Allah, through voluntary contributions of the conscientious God-fearing Muslims.
The Annual Budget of JAMIA RABBANIA exceeds Rs. 5 Million – a target not so easy to secure. JAMIA is therefore often monetarily hard-pressed, and calls upon the well-to-do beneficiaries to come forward with generous donations towards the noble cause of Islam – to be responded by the Most Gracious Almighty Allah with dividends in this world and the world-hereafter. Indeed lucky are those who join in these efforts to earn the goodwill of Allah.