1 To produce Muslim scholars who have full command on the knowledge of the Holy Qur’an, Ahadith, Fiqha and the basic principles of Islam.
2 To propagate the knowledge of the Holy Quran, Ahadith, Fiqha and the basic principles of Islam to Muslims all over the world.
3 To establish a Faculty of Iftah where facility is provided for common Muslims to obtain authenticated verdicts on issues of daily routine.
4 To create a forum of skilled Islamic scholars with mission to motivate Muslims to mould their individual lives & the society around according to the dictates of Islam.
5 To acquaint Ulama with the challenges of the modern age, for effective communication of the message of Islam to the people all over the world.
6 To fulfill all obligations for the personal care & spiritual grooming of the students & the other associates of the JAMIA.
7 To publish Islamic literature as part of the accomplishment of the Aim & Objectives of the Jamia.