JAMIA RABBANIA BANDA belongs to Ahle Sunnat Wal Jamaat School of thought, which is in absolute conformity with the dictates of Qur’an & Sunnah and conduct of all Fellows Sahaba (Raliallahu Anhum) of the Holy Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam & the immediate next generations of Tabiyeen & Taba Tabiyeen.
As such Jamia firmly believes in (1) the absolute unity of Allah, (2) His angles, (3) His Prophets & Messengers and (4) the Divine revelations & Holy Books received through them. (5) JAMIA has unflinching faith in resurrection after death and (6) the accountability of good & bad deeds on the Day of Judgment to be followed by reward of Jannah to the nobles and eternal condemnation to the sinners, as per Allah’s decision (7) JAMIA also believes that Muhammad (SAWS) was the absolutely last of the Allah’s Prophets & Messengers, and considers every claimant of continuity of partial or full Prophet-hood as condemned Murtad. (8) The Holy Book Qur’an has descended down to us in its true original version as revealed upon the Prophet (SAWS). Any efforts to alter or amend Qur’an shall always remain futile since Allah Almighty has Himself guaranteed His own protection for His last Divine revelation.
Alkitab, Sunnah, Ijma’ & Qiyas are reckoned as the true sources of Islamic knowledge – to be followed by Ijtehad by an acknowledged Mujtahid only if & when felt absolutely necessary.